Monday, May 12, 2008

The Latest Stuff

Well, I am losing my mind.  I cannot find my moestones necklace.  I think it has been beamed up. Last night we went to dinner with some friends and I was going to wear it.  Could I find it?  I could not.  This from the anal retentive queen!  I am shirking my duties!  But, on a more fun note, we took The Bruce to dinner!

We went to some friends' home for pupus and drinks then we all went to a nice Italian restaurant. The Bruce was very well behaved until he got drunk!  

You can see all the Bruce's escapades and the other fun wee cows on Chris's website.  Please go look.  It's all ready to go and 7 cows have been bought and are winging their way to all corners of the earth!  Please visit


Charlene "Cat" Therien said...

Awww, does de poor widdle Bwucie have a headache? Mwahahahah. Serves him right, the little lush... Some bulls just think they're the life of the party, don't they! *giggles*

Kathi said...

Geez Ipo, you are corrupting poor The Bruce. Might have to sic the SPCA on ya. Or even worse...PETA!

Ginger said...

I am shocked I thought Scottish cows were tea drinkers! He is picking up some bad habits hanging out with you......

Bubblyart said...

Not to worry, The Bruce is used to a good ceilidh every now and then, including the dancing !

He is a party animal and in very good hands methinks.